MND impacts the lives of many – the person with MND, and their family and friends. Today we are posting a survey to the family carer of MND NSW members who died from MND in 2016, 2017 and 2018. The survey is part of a research study being conducted by La Trobe University which hopes to gain insight into the experiences of family carers whose family member died from MND between 2016-2018. This valuable information will help us to better understand the needs of carers. We encourage you to participate if you receive a survey in the post by completing and returning the survey in the reply paid envelope provided by 5 June. Alternatively you can complete the survey online at If you prefer a paper copy and you have not received one in the post by 23 May, please let us know. If you have any questions regarding the study, please contact Leanne Jiang on
Survey for family carers whose family member died from MND between 2016-2018