In this section you will find information about motor neurone disease and some suggestions for those who have just been diagnosed. Click on the headings below to find out more.


What is MND?

In this section you will find fact sheets and commonly asked questions about motor neurone disease (MND), which is also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease in some countries.


Just diagnosed

In this section you will find suggestions about what to do if you have just been diagnosed with MND.

Complete our online Intake Form to start accessing support and services from MND NSW.


Government support for you

In this section you will find information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and My Aged Care (MAC).


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for people aged under 65 years


In this section you can read about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS is available to people aged under 65 years. It provides assistance to people living with a disability, including people living with motor neurone disease. The types of supports the NDIS may fund for participants include household assistance, aids and equipment, home modification, vehicle modification, coordination of support and other reasonable and necessary supports for daily living and participation.


My Aged Care for people aged 65 years and over


In this section you can read about My Aged Care. My Aged Care is the entry point to all services for people aged 65 years and older in Australia. My Aged Care can provide you with information about the services offered by the Australian Government that can give you the extra help you need around your home.

These services include domestic assistance, personal care, meal services and nursing care. Help at home services are delivered in two ways: through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme and through Home Care Packages.



Information resources

Find information and publications about MND for people living with MND, their family and friends as well as health and community care professionals. Information about MND NSW operating policies and our monthly e-news can also be found here.



Information about MND NSW including our privacy policy and our rights, responsibilities and feedback policy.


Information and publications about managing MND

This section includes in-depth information about managing MND.

Topics include:

  • Riluzole
  • Multidisciplinary care
  • Physical activity and MND
  • Relationships and intimacy
  • Communication and swallowing
  • Cognitive and behaviour change
  • Breathing and MND
  • Pain and MND
  • And more.


Information and publications for health and community care professionals

This section includes information and publications about managing symptoms within primary care, community care and residential care.

Topics include:

  • MND Special Interest Group
  • Diagnosing MND
  • Paramedics MND tool
  • And more.


MND NSW newsletter

The MND NSW News is published every quarter - access our MND NSW News issues here.


Ordering information

Ordering print publications.


MND research

This section includes information about participating in research as well as informaiton about alternative and unproven therapies and the development and approval of drugs to treat MND.