Articles of interest related to the development of MND NSW. Contact us if you would like to contribute an article about  the development of MND NSW.

For our 40th Anniversary in 2021, we marked the occasion by sharing your stories. In MND NSW – 40 Years of Stories, people living with MND or whose loved ones experienced the condition, staff, volunteers, healthcare and support workers, our CEO Graham Opie and more, have all told us about the impact MND NSW has had on the lives of those affected by motor neurone disease. And with your support, we’ll continue to be there for people living with MND until a cure is found.


Mrs Marjorie Harrap is a founding member of MND NSW, having been actively involved in the Association since 1981. She is now a life member, and continues to work at the MND NSW Centre, Gladesville, one day per week as a volunteer. This article was published in the December 2007 edition of Forum, the newsletter of MND NSW.

"I think the organisation began in much the same way as other similar organisations have begun - a family member, relative or friend is diagnosed as having a rare or uncommon disease - information and literature is very difficult, almost impossible, to obtain - and the need for a support group becomes obvious.

In 1981, my husband Bill was diagnosed as having amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the most common motor neurone disease, by Dr Brian Somerville at the Neurological Centre, Westmead. Bill was eager for information and, after answering some of his questions, Dr Somerville gave us some literature he had recently obtained from the ALS Society of America.