2018-19 EntertainmentTM Books are a great way to save money and make a great gift for family and friends. 20% of every membership sold on the Entertainment Book Motor Neurone Disease Association of NSW link below is contributed back to MND NSW. Help us achieve our goal by sharing the link below with your family and friends.

EntertainmentTM Memberships include over $20,000 worth of valuable 2-for-1 and up to 50% offers from many of the best restaurants, arts, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more! Pre-purchase your 2018-19 book or electronic membership before 6 April to receive Early Bird Offers you can use straight away.

Illawarra turned on a beautiful day for our first Walk to d’Feet MND of the year Over $20,000 was raised with 356 families and friends showing their support for people living with MND and walking in memory of a loved one lost to this dreadful disease. A big thank you to the Bulli Surf Club who hosted this event again this year. The Surf Club have supported this event since its inception six years ago. Thank you also to our local co-ordinator Shelly-Anne Demirov and the many volunteers who give up their time to assist at this event. Thanks also to the crew from the Woonona Lions Club who always provide a yummy sausage sizzle. Well Hunter it’s time to see what you can do.

Congratulations to Wendy Whitmore and her helpers who raised $2,300 from a Christmas Wrapping Fundraiser - double what was raised the previous year! Since 2013 Wendy has been supporting MND NSW with various fundraising activities on the Central Coast. Thank you Wendy for your continued support.

In early 2017 Joanna Finlay’s husband Royce (pictured centre) was diagnosed with MND. For Royce’s 70th birthday in September, Joanna and Royce decided to have an afternoon tea party and, in lieu of presents, they would do something for MND NSW. Joanna and friends shared the details by word of mouth, hardly expecting a big response. “All we wanted was for people to support a good cause and we thought maybe we would raise $1,000 towards research.”

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