
In a paper published online on 22 February in the Scientific Journal Neurology, MND researchers announced results of study (45 controls and 54 people with MND) evaluating whether a urine test for the protein 75ECD (p75ECD) could be used for prognostic and disease progression application.

The researchers, including Dr Mary-Louise Rogers from Flinders University, South Australia, found that urinary p75ECD did change over time, increasing as disease progresses and motor function declines, even for people with slowly progressive disease.

You can read the full paper free online here http:/​/​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1212/​WNL.​0000000000003741

This is the third year that a donation to MND NSW has been made from the Newcastle Italian Film Festival. This popular event is held annually in November, and we would like to thank organiser Nick Moretti for his fantastic support. Our thanks also to the sponsors of the event and to Don McMurray who attended on behalf of the association at the recent presentation where a donation of $13,500 was made from the 2016 festival.

Run by the Australian Government, NDIS information sessions are designed to help people with a disability, as well as their families and carers, learn about the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The sessions will cover topics such as:

  • What is the NDIS and how does it work?
  • Am I eligible for the NDIS?
  • What will happen if I am made eligible?
  • What kind of support can I access through the NDIS?

The information sessions are also a perfect opportunity to bring your questions along and have them answered by experienced NDIA staff members.

Information sessions are scheduled from time to time in various areas of NSW, ACT and the NT. You can find out when sessions are scheduled here:




Every Australian Counts team will be hitting the road from March – May presenting NDIS information forums in NSW regional areas where the NDIS will be rolling out from July. Every Australian Counts is the campaign that brought about the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and now they are focused on engaging and educating the disability sector and wider Australian community about the benefits of the NDIS and the options and possibilities that it brings. At their NDIS Information Forums in regional areas of NSW in March, April and May 2017 they'll be covering

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