The ATSA Independent Living Expo will have over 100 exhibitors displaying a wide range of products and services in assistive technology, mobility solutions, pressure care, employment support, accessible recreation/holiday ideas, modified motor vehicles and a lot more. ATSA Independent Living Expo is open to visitors of all ages, including those with a disability, seniors and their families, friends and carers. A key feature of the Expo is the free Conference Program. More info

Each year the Allied Professionals Forum (APF) is held the day before the ALS/MND International Symposium. The APF is for allied health professionals from across the globe to come together to share, hear and reflect on how to better support people living with MND at the practical level. In December 2016 there were 16 presentations and over 250 attendees. Gina Svolos, Manager Support Services, and Kristina Dodds, Education and Carer Support Program Coordinator, were very fortunate to be able to attend and represent MND NSW. Kristina was one of the presenters and here is their report.

The first session of the day covered the latest innovations on message and voice banking for people with MND and communication technology.

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