
On 14 October 2022 we celebrate International Allied Health Professions Day.

MND NSW celebrates the 200,000+ allied health professionals working across Australia and would like to extend a very special - thank you - to all allied health workers supporting people living with MND.

Allied Health Professions Day is an international event celebrating and bringing together the allied health professional community.

We recognise the commitment of allied health workers on the frontline in Australia's response to COVID-19 and the commitment of allied health professionals in continuing to support people living with MND throughout the pandemic.

Good MND practice is underpinned by multidisciplinary care, bringing together a range of allied health professionals, including: 

-          Occupational Therapist

-          Physiotherapist

-          Speech Pathologist

-          Dietitian

-          Social Worker

-          Psychologist

-          And many others.

On this day, we celebrate your commitment to the very important work that you do, and we say – Thank You!

More information about Allied Health Professions Day can be found on Allied Health Professions Australia website.

If you are an allied health or community care professional with an interest in MND, become a member of our Special Interest Group to receive a bi-monthly e-bulletin with the latest MND news and research.

If you are a Speech Pathologist or an Occupational Therapist, join the MND NSW CommSPOT Peer Support Network to share information and advice with your colleagues across the state.

If you are a person living with MND and you would like to know more about multidisciplinary care check out the MND Connect website for further information about the roles of different allied health professionals and how they fit together or contact your MND Advisor.

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