This week is National Volunteer Week, and we'd like to take the opportunity to thank all our amazing volunteers. 

We see you helping us at the office, out and about in the community, at our Walks, and at our events for people living with MND and their carers. Without you, we simply couldn't do what we do, and we'd like to say a big thank you for your amazing effort and commitment to supporting us and our MND community.

There are many reasons our volunteers continue to help us and hope others choose to do the same, these are some of them:

  • “Volunteering provides great meaning and value to my life, and hopefully offers a positive impact to MND NSW and those who I meet as a result of volunteering for MND NSW.”
    -Zakhia Aoun
  • “I see just how valuable just one volunteer can be. It is a wonderful cause helping people and every minute we volunteer it helps the cause, not to mention I have also had a few friends and/or their parents that have been diagnosed.”
    -Patti Conway
  • “Others should volunteer with MND NSW to continue the good work of the organisation”
    -Greg Corr
  • “The work I find exceptionally worthwhile as it ultimately helps people living with MND. The team is hard-working and dedicated, and the atmosphere in the office is very positive and friendly, and more than that, I feel valued.”
    - Lynne Munnich
  • "I have enjoyed working as a volunteer, making new friends, raising awareness of MND, and finding comfort talking to people who have lost loved ones with MND and been through similar experiences to me. Volunteering is a very rewarding experience."
    - Susan Allaburton
  • “Volunteering is important, to be able to get the story out so that people can learn about the cause you are raising funds for.”
    -Deidree Jones

Thank you to our fabulous volunteers!

If you would like to volunteer for MND NSW and support people living with MND, please contact our Volunteer Co-ordinator Marcia Lazo on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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