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Wednesday October 27th is World Occupational Therapy Day, an event to promote and celebrate the profession internationally.

The theme for this year is “Belong. Be You”

People living with MND are likely to need advice and support from a range of different health professionals on how to manage their symptoms. This multidisciplinary care is delivered by health teams that work together to meet a person’s needs, and occupational therapists are a vital part of that team.

An Occupational Therapist can provide:

  • Strategies and equipment to assist with maintaining independence with daily tasks including hygiene, cooking and dressing
  • Mobility support including walking frame, wheelchairs (manual/power) and ramps
  • Ways to maintain comfort including armchairs, beds, neck support and pressure care
  • Hands free computer access, switches/pointers, communication support
  • Home environment strategies and environmental control e.g. lights, temperature
  • Recommendations and assessment for driving
  • Recommendations for home modifications
  • Fall prevention strategies
  • Call alert and personal alarm information


Video presentations
Presentation by Occupational Therapist Kylie Christel at an MND NSW event in 2019. Kylie presents on the role of the occupational therapist and MND and touches on assistive technology, transfers, mobility, comfort, pressure relief, computer access, transport, energy conservation and home modifications.
The right equipment at the right time

OT and MND: Adjusting and adapting to rapidly changing function. Sarah Solomon, Occupational Therapist with Calvary Health Care Bethlehem, presenting on her role during the national MND conference in 2018.
MND Conference - OT


More information


Thank you to all the wonderful occupational therapists 
that support people living with MND



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