42 page booklet about MND care for the primary health care team.
- Click to view free online Aspects of Care: for the primary health care team
"Multidisciplinary care occurs when professionals from a range of disciplines work together to deliver comprehensive care that addresses as many of the patient’s health and other needs as possible. This can be delivered by a range of professionals functioning as a team under one organisational umbrella or by professionals from a range of organisations, including private practice, brought together as a unique team.
As a patient’s condition changes over time, the composition of the team may change to reflect the changing clinical and psychosocial needs of the patient. From the individual patient’s point of view, this distinction is not critical — patients ‘see’ care delivered in similar aliquots, and by a similar range of disciplines." - Mitchell and others 2008
- onset
- presentation
- phenotypes
- sporadic and familial
- genetic factors
- disease process
- MND registers and MND research
- MND care
- MND Care approach
- multidisciplinary care
- palliative approach
- MND clinics
- community support services
- Diagnosis
- common diagnostic tests
- before the diagnosis
- giving the diagnosis
- Symptom management
- breathing
- swallowing
- maintaining nutrition
- communication
- movement and joints
- cognition and behavioural change
- emotional lability (pseudobulbar affect)
- fatigue
- insomnia
- Wellbeing and support needs
- planning
- psychosocial factors
- personal care and community services
- case management
- care packages
- financial help and support
- getting assistive technology
- End of life care
- initiating end of life discussions
- the terminal stage
- medications at end of life
- caring for the carer
- carer and family bereavement
- Contacts of interest
- Quality measures in MND care
- Reference list
(c) MND Australia June 2018