72 page A4 book providing strategies for living at home with MND, more in-depth information and day-to-day tips.


Topics covered:

Getting information about MND
Using the Internet as a health information source

Feelings and attitudes, and those of family and friends
Feelings and attitudes
Communicating about emotional issues
Talking with young people about MND
Linking up with others

Planning ahead
Possible planning steps
Preparing a Will (NSW)
Making a Power of Attorney (NSW)
Appointing an Enduring Guardian (NSW)
What is legal capacity? (NSW)
What is Advance Care Planning and an Advance Care Directive?

Around the home
How can an occupational therapist help?
Getting in and out of your home
Inside your home
Slips, trips and falls
Safe use of a wheelchair

Getting comfortable
How can a physiotherapist help?
Temperature control
Managing swollen ankles, feet and hands
Preventing pressure sores
Moving yourself from one position or place to another
How someone can help you move from one position or place to another
Tips for a comfortable hospital, respite or residential care stay

Everyday personal care
If someone is helping you with your personal care
Eye, nose and ear care
Hair care
Mouth and teeth care
Skin care
Clothing and dressing

Eating well
Getting advice from a dietitian, speech pathologist and occupational therapist
Timing of meals and drinks
To help prevent weight loss or to regain weight
Preparation and presentation
Commercially available products for boosting energy intake
When someone is assisting you to eat or drink
Recommendations from health professionals for food consistency

Communication and MND
Regular review of communication needs
Communication tips
Strategies often suggested
Call devices
Care alerters
Environmental control units

Living independently at home
MND and health and community care services
Getting your needs and issues dealt with
Getting through the ‘paperwork' and understanding services
Making appointments and amalgamating service visits
Getting your issues dealt with
When your extended family, friends or neighbours want to help
Keeping track of services, contacts and day-to-day care

Getting around
Holidays and travelling longer distances
Some ideas for maintaining interests and hobbies
Staying connected

The later stage of MND

Publication update

MND NSW is currently in the process of updating this publication to include the following information about Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) which has been adapted from the MND Australia Planning Ahead Fact Sheet, updated July 2024

Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) is one choice available to eligible people at end of life. A person may access palliative care and VAD at the same time.

With VAD, a person in the late stages of advanced disease chooses to end their life with medical assistance. VAD is currently legally available in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia, with strict eligibility criteria. This means people with MND may have access to VAD, should they wish to pursue it. 

The eligibility criteria and process for VAD differs slightly from state to state. If you are thinking about VAD, or would like more information, ask your doctor or healthcare team about it. In some states, doctors or healthcare providers may not be legally allowed to start a conversation about VAD, so you may need to raise the topic.

Source: MND Australia - Planning ahead fact sheet

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