What if end-of-life could be…good?

That’s one of the leading questions in the feature length documentary called Live the Life You Please, premiering as part of National Palliative Care Week. The film is set to confront our collective fear of talking about death and explores the power of quality palliative care. If you’re a movie buff or you just like a good story, this one is gearing up to be well worth the watch – check out the trailer now.

What is palliative care?

Palliative care is a family-centered model of care focused on quality-of-life. Services provided differ from area to area and may include support with pain relief, sensitive family discussions and advanced care planning, support to meet cultural obligations as well as emotional, social and spiritual concerns. Palliative care may also provide counseling and grief support and facilitate access to other services and respite care.

Who is palliative care for?

Palliative care is for people diagnosed with a life limiting illness, including Motor Neurone Disease (MND). Accessing palliative care early supports quality-of-life and has been known to support people with MND to live better for longer. Generally, a referral from your GP is required.

Further Informaiton

Check out the End-of-Life Care: A Guide for People Living with MND to read about why planning ahead matters, tips for how to have difficult conversations, advanced care planning information and organising financial, legal and other person affairs.

Contact your local MND Advisor or the MND Info Line.

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